Reframed / 06 / Painted faces

Reframed / 06 / Painted faces

Sixth piece in a series of fifteen works (6/15) in the project, Reframed.

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Reframed / 05 / A broken cycle

Reframed / 05 / A broken cycle

Fifth piece in a series of fifteen works (5/15) in the project, Reframed.

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Reframed / 04 / Play is the work of children

Reframed / 04 / Play is the work of children

Fourth piece in a series of fifteen works (4/15) in the project, Reframed.

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Reframed / 03 / Meditate

Reframed / 03 / Meditate

Third piece in a series of fifteen works (3/15) in the project, Reframed.

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