Reframed / 05 / A broken cycle

Artist’s comments

This remains one of my favourite photos from the trip. Shot in the blue hour, it had the perfect balance of orange and blue – but I gave it all up to keep the series monochrome.

If you look carefully, you will notice the ancient temples of Old Bagan, Myanmar, in the background. Their white plaster finish had long eroded, but their commanding, unmistakable forms have withstood the test of time. In large part, this was due to a tradition of maintaining, even reconstructing, old Buddhist sites by the faithful. Years upon years of collective toil that has stalled cultural destruction.

In the foreground, the middle-aged groundsman is burning trash that he had collected. In Southeast Asia, this is common practice as rural waste management systems still leave room for old ways to linger.

From the evening bonfire to the old temples, this photo screamed tradition. But it got me thinking about the unquestioning way we perpetuate traditions – even though it harms us.

It disturbed me that we would continue, just because.


Visuals and writing by Celeste Choo